Friday, May 26, 2006

Another Type of Friday Night

Tonight I’m heading off to Queens to do a homeless outreach with a friend of mine and her church group. It’s been one of those things I’ve been saying I’d do for a while, but other things have always crept up: the notion that I should be staying in and doing homework, the occasional out of town visitor with whom I want to spend time, the “catching up” on life that I tend to like to do on Friday nights.

This morning I woke up with all of those “other things” looming in front of me, but honestly, if I cannot make 5 extra hours that I probably waste during the entirety of the week or the weekend to do something else, then my life is either way too busy (which it is not) or way too incorrectly prioritized.

It's actuallly great to be able to put on jeans, sneaks and a hoodie on a Friday night, by the way. I hope that when I return home at midnight I will have a newound appreciation for the facts that I have schoolwork to do and papers to write, an agenda for this weekend to schedule for a great friend visiting me from California, and yes, an unmade bed of my own to lay myself down in.


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