Wednesday, April 05, 2006

responsibility or baseball?

A lot going on right now (inside my head) so it's sort of paralyzed me in terms of writing. Sorry...

But, excuse me, baseball season is BACK, something slightly more concrete than my life at the moment, and despite the fact that my team was blown out tonight - and MANNY, come ON, HIT - nothing that I saw was more hilariously (in not a nice way, and even though I am the antithesis of a MFY's fan, this is stil objective) embarassing behavior by a player than A-Rod's reaction to his base-running error and his subsequently being tagged out after being rundown between first and second.

Sometimes we all get rundown between first and second. Sometimes we all get caught in that space between not knowing whether we should sprint forward or step back. And sometimes we blindly have faith in the fact that the person in front of us will continue on the path that we believe they will and that therefore, we should move ahead at full speed, at our full capacities. But sometimes that person doesn't.

And then, we can't take our frustration and emotions out on third-person parties (and it was clear that A-Rod's F*&^ was directed to someone who was NOT himself, i.e. his third base coach or Sheffroid) when it happens. Because we all make mistakes. Hell, the "reigning AL MVP" did. And taking responsibility for our mistakes is hard to do, but we need to do it, in order to take responsibility for our own characters.

We can be sad, we can be mad, we can be upset beyond dimensions we would have never imagined and feel pain we would not wish upon our worst enemies - but we need to take responsibility for ourselves. Because only in understanding our own mistakes and in trying to change our corresponding actions can we really take on our own, individual, and incredibly important roles in our worlds.

Not that I want A-Rod to take on the role of AL MVP again this season - I am clearly for Ortiz in that camp - but that's baseball. And sometimes, the rules that create the parameters of the game also can be applicable to our own selves. Maybe that's why I, like all the advertisements say, "live for this."

And maybe the game of baseball holds in it a hell of a lot of lessons that we could transpose into our own lives.


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